Exciting Fresh News from On Deck
Joy and gratitude are the hallmarks for us at On Deck as we wrap up a wonderful year in 2022. Thank you to our good loyal customers. Thank you to our amazing team of people who work at On Deck. Thank you to our beautiful Door County community of visitors from across the USA, and abroad, and residents who work hard to make our home a happy destination for so many.
We love this time of year when customers are searching for the perfect gift to give….or a new favorite piece for themselves! All three store locations (Fish Creek, Sister Bay and Sturgeon Bay) are decked out for the Christmas season and are full of our classic and contemporary clothing and shoe brands for men and women. You will also find many Door County-themed accessories such as Pendleton blankets, pine-scented candles, Hydro Flask containers and more!
New for 2023 – A new central office and warehouse to support our growing business.
You may have noticed On Deck trucks parked at the buildings on Hwy 42 just north of the Fish Creek BP gas station. We are in the process of setting up new office space and a centrally-located warehouse for storage and transferring product between the three store locations. This will bring our corporate office and warehouse operations into the same place for the first time in our 37 year history.
Famous DOT Sale
Yes, the blue, green and red dots have returned to On Deck for great discounts on merchandise throughout the stores, plus some surprise specials. Look for ads in the local print and online newspapers. If you want to be the first to know about new sales, sign up for our E-Blast emails by joining the On Deck E-Club at https://ondeckclothing.com/e-club-sign-up/
Holiday Hours
All On Deck stores will close at 3:00 PM on Christmas Eve and are closed on Christmas Day. On New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, all On Deck stores will be open from 9AM-5PM. The On Deck Outlet stores in Fish Creek and Sturgeon Bay are open daily through January 2nd. See On Deck’s website (ondeckclothing.com) or Facebook page (facebook.com/ondeckclothing) for updated hours and phone numbers for each location.

On Deck Clothing Company Owner/ Buyer, Mitch Larson, (left) with loyal customer Bob Schaupp. 2022
Where in the World is Mitch?
My whole work life happens behind the scenes. I’m at trade shows in Las Vegas, Chicago, Denver and Minneapolis picking out new product for Spring and Fall of 2023. Buying trips are followed by office time to negotiate and confirm what we’ll order for the next season. I meet with key On Deck staff who manage the daily operations; I run through early morning tours of the stores before they open for the day; I’m one of On Deck’s most experienced delivery drivers and can be seen hauling racks and boxes full of new stock from our warehouse to each store location. It’s a demanding and varied role that most local business owners are familiar with. One of the best rewards for me are the lasting friendships with vendors, staff and especially with customers, like Bob Schaupp who has been shopping at On Deck since 1992.
What’s It Like in Door County?
Ice is forming along the Door County shoreline from Sturgeon Bay to Gills Rock. Fresh white snow is falling and blanketing the peninsula as we enjoy this holiday season and welcome in a New Year. We think it’s a beautiful place to be every day and are so grateful.
Upcoming Winter Events in Door County
Sister Bay – NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATON & CHERRY DROP – December 31, 2022 – Shopping extravaganza throughout the village, ice skating and bonfire at the Sports Complex. Countdown to midnight at The Garage as the giant sparkling cherry drops to welcome in the new year.
Fish Creek – WINTERFEST – February 3-5, 2023 – Door County’s quirkiest winter event with live music, games, delicious food, the not-so-serious “Fruit Loop Fun Run”, Stumpf Fiddle Contest plus a spectacular fireworks display.
Sturgeon Bay – FIRE & ICE FESTIVAL – February 17-18, 2023 – Candlelight ski/hike at Crossroads at Big Creek; snow and ice sculpting throughout the town by novice and professional carvers. Fire & Ice dinner and a fireworks show in the evening.

On Deck’s Fish Creek store in December 2022

On Deck’s Sister Bay store in December 2022